Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ming's Favorite Color

Ming is a little stuffed animal Panda bear. Her favorite color is blue. I know that because Ming told me. Blue is her favorite color because it is the color of the sky. Ming is very small--she is smaller than our phone! Ming is very happy that she made it on my blog so that everybody can read about her.

Ming wants everyone to know that some people in the world like blue, too. Ming whispered something in my ear (because she only talks to me). She said that everybody should make sure to choose friends that are nice.

I also want to say that I'm going to VBS with my friend, Katie. I feel very happy about that.

My older sister Maddy is at camp. I am making a frownie face about that. But on the bright side, I at least get to have all the attention from my mommy and my dada.

And that's all for my Random Thoughts! :)


  1. I love your thoughts, and even though you have a frownie face, you are still adorable.

  2. That last comment was not made by me, but by my mommy!
